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Published August 12, 2022 | Version v1.0.0
Study Design Open

Assessments for Identifying Tactile Deficits in Individuals with Stroke: A Scoping Review


A protocol describing a scoping review to summarize tactile assessments for individuals with stroke at their upper extremities.


Accurate perception of objects that one interacts with, through touch, is instrumental to successfully learn and perform physical activities. Studies indicate that the perception of touch, or tactile stimuli, in the upper extremities is commonly negatively impacted after a stroke. In this scoping review, we seek to examine existing tactile assessments for the upper extremity of individuals with stroke. We aim to determine whether there is a gap in existing approaches that limits our understanding of the source of tactile perceptual deficits post-stroke. This information will be beneficial to understand the clinical value of existing assessments and potentially spur the development of new targeted assessments.


Assessments for Identifying Tactile Deficits in Individuals with Stroke A Scoping Review.pdf

Additional details

March 31, 2023
March 31, 2023