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Published 2023 | Version v1
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Evaluating the interplay between estrous cyclicity and induced seizure susceptibility in Scn2aK1422E mice - Supplementary Table S1

  • 1. ROR icon Northwestern University


Evaluating the interplay between estrous cyclicity and induced seizure susceptibility in Scn2a K1422E mice

Supplementary Table S1: Estrous cycle monitoring data


Sheet 1: Estrous cycle - OVX, sham

- Detailed estrous cycle monitoring data for all subjects that underwent OVX or sham surgery

- Subjects are identified by study number in column A

- Genotype information (WT, E/+) is given in column B

- Surgical condition (OVX, sham) is given in column C

- Estrous cycle stage calls (see legend, column W) are given in columns D-R

- Cycle regularity call (regular, irregular) is given in column S

- Blinded call of surgical condition (OVX, Sham) is given in column T

- Latency to flurothyl-induced GTCS is given in column U

***rows in red indicate subjects where blinded call of surgical condition did not match actual condition***


Sheet 2: Estrous cycle - untreated

- Detailed estrous cycle monitoring data for all non-surgerized subjects 

- Subjects are identified by study number in column A

- Genotype information (WT, E/+) is given in column B

- Estrous cycle stage calls (see legend, column R) are given in columns C-N

- Cycle regularity call (regular, irregular) is given in column O

- Latency to flurothyl-induced GTCS is given in column P


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Is supplement to
10.1101/2023.04.27.538584 (DOI)


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