Published 2018 | Version v1.0.0
Conference Poster Open

Communicating and Visualizing Publication Data for Departments, Institutes, and Centers


Poster presentation at the Health Science Librarians of Illinois Annual Conference in Rockford, IL on Thursday, September 27, 2018, and also at the NIH Bibliometrics and Research Assessment Symposium on Monday, August 20, 2018 at the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland.


Introduction: One common aspect of bibliometric services in biomedical libraries is to communicate and visualize publication data for groups, such as departments, institutes, or centers. While these groups may have access to bibliometric data through library subscriptions to Scopus or Web of Science, or through open tools, such as Publish or Perish, they may need assistance in finding meaningful ways to communicate or display this data in reports, presentations, websites, or through other mediums. Objectives: The primary objective of this project is to identify communication strategies and visualization options for the bibliometric data of departments, institutes, and centers. Methods: In this project, we identify a few visualization options for biographic, bibliometric, and alternative metric data available in Scopus, Web of Science, or through other tools, such as iCite, or Publish or Perish. Additionally, we supply communication strategies for each of these visualizations, so that the information in the visualization is conveyed efficiently and effectively to the intended audience. The tools we use for creating the visualizations will vary depending on which data is being assessed. These tools may include Excel, VOSViewer, Sci2Tool, InCites, Google Maps, Adobe Illustrator, Taxedo, Tableau Public, and more. Results: We will display each visualization on the poster accompanied by statements that further support the information being conveyed in the visualization. Our hope is to turn these visualizations into a larger catalog of options for our users, creating a menu of visualizations for them to choose from based on their needs and preferences. Conclusions: We will ask viewers of our poster to provide feedback on which visualizations and communications strategies they prefer, and which they do not. Each person has their own preferences when interacting with visualizations. Some lean heavily on legends or captions to understand the data, while others rely only on the visualization itself to convey any meaning. In our work, we track feedback on various types of charts or graphs, and we have our preferences and standards on what constitutes an appropriate visualization. However, we also emphasize the importance of feedback from our users and consumers, creating a helpful conversation around their visualization and communication needs.


presentation_location: Rockford, Illinois, United States


presentation_location: Bethesda, Maryland, United States


2018_08-15 NIH Bibliometrics Symposum Poster.pdf

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